rConfig Product Life Cycle and Codebase

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Product Life Cycle


At rConfig, we prioritize a structured product life cycle to ensure the reliability and security of our services. This section covers various phases from development to maintenance.

Security Scanning

At rConfig, ensuring the security of our software is paramount. We employ a robust security scanning protocol that integrates multiple layers of security checks throughout the development lifecycle. Our approach focuses on early detection and resolution of vulnerabilities, safeguarding our systems and our customers' data against potential threats.

Our security measures include:

  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST): We use advanced tools to perform static analysis of our source code, identifying potential security weaknesses before the code is executed.
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Post-deployment, we conduct dynamic analysis by simulating controlled cyber attacks to detect runtime vulnerabilities.
  • Dependency Scanning: We continuously monitor our dependencies for known vulnerabilities, using automated tools that ensure our third-party libraries are up-to-date and secure.
  • Container Security: For our Dockerized environments, we implement comprehensive scans to detect security issues within our containers and their configurations.

In addition to automated scanning, our security team conducts regular manual security audits and reviews to complement our automated tools, providing an additional layer of scrutiny. This holistic approach ensures that security is maintained at the highest standard throughout the product's lifecycle, supporting our commitment to delivering secure, reliable, and high-performance software solutions.


At rConfig, we deeply value the contributions from our community and actively encourage collaboration to enhance our platform. We believe in leveraging the collective expertise and insights of our users and developers to drive innovation and continuous improvement in our product.

Here’s how we manage and integrate contributions into rConfig:

  • Open Source Repository: Our codebase is hosted on GitHub, allowing for transparent, accessible, and efficient collaboration. Contributors can fork the repository, make changes, and submit pull requests.
  • Code Reviews: Each contribution is reviewed by our core team of developers to ensure consistency with the project's coding standards and overall architectural goals. This process helps maintain high-quality code and secure integration.
  • Continuous Integration (CI): Submitted changes are tested automatically, ensuring that contributions do not break any existing functionality. This CI process includes automated tests to verify the stability and performance of new code.
  • Community Feedback: We encourage feedback on contributions through discussions in our Github community forums and issue trackers. This feedback is crucial for refining features and addressing community needs effectively.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Contributors who consistently add value to the project are recognized within the community. We offer rewards such as project swag, public acknowledgments, and more, to appreciate and motivate our contributors.

We maintain detailed documentation to help new contributors get started easily, including setup guides, contribution guidelines, and coding standards. Our welcoming community and clear, structured contribution process aim to foster a productive and engaging environment for everyone involved.

Future Roadmap

At rConfig, our roadmap is not just a plan for future software developments, but a vision of collaboration and shared goals with our community. We aim to be transparent and inclusive in our roadmap development process, ensuring that our users and subscribers have a significant voice in shaping the future of rConfig.

Here’s how subscribers can actively participate in the development of our roadmap:

  • Feature Requests: Subscribers can submit feature requests through our dedicated platform. This feedback directly influences our product planning and feature prioritization.
  • Roadmap Sessions: We host regular roadmap sessions in the form of webinars or live Q&A sessions. During these meetings, subscribers can discuss potential features, improvements, and strategic directions with our development team.
  • Early Access Programs: Subscribers have the opportunity to enroll in early access programs where they can test upcoming features, provide feedback, and help refine the final releases.
  • Surveys and Polls: Regular surveys and polls are conducted to gather broad community input on various aspects of the roadmap. This data helps us understand the priorities and needs of our user base.
  • Community Forums: Our community forums are a lively space for discussion and feedback on the roadmap. Subscribers can propose ideas, vote on others' suggestions, and engage with fellow users and our developers.

We believe that the best way to ensure our product meets the needs of our users is by involving them in its evolution. This collaborative approach not only enhances the functionality and usability of rConfig but also fosters a strong, engaged community centered around innovation and progress.

Semantic Versioning

At rConfig, we adhere to semantic versioning principles to ensure our updates are predictable and transparent. Semantic versioning, or SemVer, provides a structured format for versioning our software releases, enhancing compatibility and stability across our platform.

Here's how we implement semantic versioning:

  • Major Releases: Version numbers with a change in the first digit (e.g., 2.0.0) indicate significant updates that may introduce breaking changes.
  • Minor Releases: Changes in the second digit (e.g., 1.1.0) reflect backward-compatible enhancements that add new functionalities without disrupting existing features.
  • Patch Releases: Adjustments in the third digit (e.g., 1.0.1) are reserved for backward-compatible bug fixes that improve performance and stability.

This systematic approach allows us to communicate clearly with our users about the nature of updates and what they can expect in terms of compatibility and new features with each release.


Main Dependencies

Our platform, rConfig, is built on a foundation of robust, modern technologies that ensure scalability, reliability, and a great user experience. The key dependencies include Laravel, Vue.js, and PatternFly, each contributing uniquely to our platform's success.


Laravel is a comprehensive PHP framework that excels in performance, security, and scalability compared to other PHP frameworks. It simplifies complex coding tasks, which accelerates development and reduces the potential for errors. For rConfig, Laravel offers:

  • Elegant syntax: Its beautiful and clean syntax promotes code readability and maintainability, crucial for a growing project like ours.
  • Robust ecosystem: With an extensive ecosystem of tools and packages, Laravel allows us to implement complex features easily and securely.
  • Built-in security: Laravel provides strong security features that protect against risks like SQL injection and XSS attacks, ensuring our user data is always safe.
  • MVC architecture: The MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture helps in separating logic from presentation, making our application easy to manage and scale.


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used to build user interfaces. It is highly adaptable and integrates seamlessly with other libraries or existing projects. For rConfig, Vue.js enhances user experience with:

  • Reactive interfaces: Vue.js ensures smooth and responsive interactions on the web application, enhancing the user interface and experience.
  • Component-based architecture: This allows for building reusable components that can be very efficient in terms of both development time and performance at runtime.
  • Easy integration: Its design allows it to be incrementally adoptable, making it easy to scale projects from small to large with minimal impact on the existing system.


PatternFly is an open-source design system that offers tools and resources to create consistent, accessible user interfaces. It supports rConfig by:

  • User-friendly designs: Provides a suite of UX patterns and widgets that help maintain consistency across our platform, improving navigation and usability.
  • Accessibility: Ensures that our applications are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, which is crucial for wide adoption and user satisfaction.

By leveraging these key technologies, rConfig not only meets current tech standards but also offers a framework that can easily adapt and evolve as new challenges and opportunities arise in the network management landscape.

Architecture Overview

rConfig is designed with a modern architecture that focuses on efficiency, security, and scalability. Our architecture is centered around several key principles and technologies that ensure our platform is robust and future-proof.

Single-Page Application (SPA) Design

We utilize a Single-Page Application (SPA) design, primarily powered by Vue.js. This approach enables a seamless user experience with faster transitions that make the application feel more like a desktop app than a traditional web page. The SPA design reduces load times, minimizes web server load, and enhances overall user interaction and responsiveness.

API-First Approach

Adopting an API-first approach allows rConfig to be highly flexible and integrable with other systems and services. Our back-end functionality is exposed through a clear and well-documented API built with Laravel, which ensures that external applications can easily communicate with rConfig. This approach also facilitates easier updates and maintenance, as the API can evolve independently of the user interface.

Security Built-In

Security is a cornerstone of our architecture. From the ground up, our application is designed to be secure against common vulnerabilities. We implement industry-standard security practices such as secure coding standards, regular security audits, and proactive vulnerability assessments. This built-in security framework is essential for protecting sensitive data and maintaining trust with our users.

Robust Extensibility

rConfig is built to accommodate growth and new features seamlessly. Our use of modern frameworks like Laravel and Vue.js supports a modular architecture where new features can be developed as independent modules and integrated without disrupting existing functionalities. This design not only simplifies testing and deployment but also allows for more dynamic scaling of features and services as needed.

Through these architectural choices, rConfig ensures an adaptable, secure, and user-friendly platform that meets the evolving needs of network configuration and management.

Dependency Management

In maintaining the rConfig platform, managing dependencies is crucial to ensuring software stability and security. We employ a rigorous approach to dependency management that adheres to best practices and maintains the high performance of our system.

Key aspects of our dependency management include:

  • Regular Updates: We update our dependencies with every minor release to mitigate risks associated with security vulnerabilities. This is done in accordance with semantic versioning principles, ensuring that updates do not disrupt existing functionalities.
  • Automated Scanning: Tools are used to automatically scan for outdated or vulnerable dependencies. This automation supports continuous integration and delivery by promptly identifying issues that need attention.
  • Compatibility Checks: Before updating any dependency, we ensure compatibility with the existing system to prevent integration issues. This involves thorough testing in controlled environments.
  • Documentation and Standards: All dependency management processes are well-documented, providing clear guidelines for developers. This helps in maintaining consistency and efficiency in managing updates and resolving dependency-related issues.

Through proactive and structured dependency management, rConfig remains robust, secure, and agile in adapting to new challenges and technologies.

Testing and TDD

At rConfig, we are committed to the highest standards of software quality. To achieve this, we adopt Test-Driven Development (TDD) as a core practice in our development process. TDD not only helps in preventing bugs but also enhances the design and maintainability of our code.

Our TDD practice includes the following key components:

  • Writing Tests First: Developers write tests before they write the code that fulfills the test's requirements. This ensures that all new code is covered by tests from the outset, leading to better designed, more reliable, and easily refactorable code.
  • Continuous Integration: Our CI environment runs the test suite on every commit to the main repository. This allows us to detect issues early and keep the main branch in a consistently deployable state.
  • Extensive Coverage: With over 700 tests and 6000 assertions, our test suite covers a wide array of scenarios, including edge cases, ensuring comprehensive coverage and high reliability of the application.
  • Mocking and Simulation: We use advanced mocking and simulation techniques to replicate various states of the application for testing without the need for real data inputs, which improves test accuracy and execution speed.

This rigorous approach to TDD allows rConfig to maintain a rapid development pace without compromising on quality, ensuring that each release is robust and dependable.

TDD Screenshot of TDD results as of V7.0.7